Hello friends and long time no see. Needless to say, the past few days have been quite the busy blur, or should I say past few weeks. In any case as Kyle and I continuously try to do, we make the best of our packed schedules and have fun with life!
Being apart of a design profession we often have the opportunity to attend conferences and workshops as a way of continuing our education as well as quite the way to network, not to mention usually some good food. This past week was packed, man those committees know how to over lap events! But what really matters is that my man pulled through and bought us both tickets to what for us is one of the most important social networking, the Michigan Society of Landscape Architects annual meeting! So after attending another conference we jumped in the car to head to near by Grand Rapids, not of course with out our rock climbing gear. You Can Get Climbing/Outdoor Gear Cheap through this website
After the afternoon of lectures and key note speakers and reconnecting with friends it was exciting to know the day's events were really just getting started. In what looks like an inconspicuous parking lot and steel building is a play ground unlike any you ever had in grade school.
Walls lined with little nubs of various shapes and colors mark out routes of various difficulties and a floor of foam pieces all mixed with a curious smell I can't quite put my finger on; but am certainly growing to like more and more. Inside Moves rock climbing gym is such an awesome place, small and open but with enough routes and lines to keep you busy. If you've never rock climbed before I highly suggest you do, no matter age or fitness level, or slight fear of heights. This particular trip marks my 5th time going to a gym and first time trying out my new gear. Yes, I committed and bought a pair of shoes, harness and necessary hardware, but it's an investment I'm positive will pay out over the long run.
I have to give a huge thanks to my "coach" Kyle. While he's beginning to understand my true physical limitations on the wall, he's also really beginning to understand when to push me, and that my Michigan dating friends is what makes all the difference. So, to my boyfriend, thank you for helping me get to the top once more.
I should add that as a date, rock climbing is an awesome choice. Team building, communication, getting hot and a little sweaty, not to mention realizing how weak your forearms can be, can really bring a pair together. And, the added bonus of being the belayer isn't that bad either. * Try it out and you'll see what I mean as you look up to spot your partner*
To top it all off a stop to get a local GR brew, Brewery Vivant, made this long day quite lovely.
~ Love, M
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